Paul H. Smith

Paul H. Smith

Paul H. Smith Ph.D. (Major, US Army, ret.) became a psychic spy in 1983, when he was recruited into the Army's remote viewing psychic espionage program -- a program he never knew existed until the moment he was invited to join. Paul was one of the longest-serving remote viewers in the military program. During his seven years there, he studied under the legendary Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann, served as a first-tier operational remote viewer doing thousands of training and live operational RV sessions, wrote the official manual on controlled remote viewing, and taught CRV to new remote viewer candidates. Among his students are included now-famous remote viewers such as Lyn Buchanan, Mel Riley, and David Morehouse. Paul has briefed and demonstrated remote viewing to senators, admirals and generals, and other senior military and government officials. A Desert Storm veteran, Paul retired from the US Army in 1996 at the rank of major from his final duty position, chief of intelligence and security for the Military District of Washington. For three decades now he has immersed himself in consciousness-based skills. He has dedicated his life to changing society's attitudes towards applied consciousness through the powerful leverage of teaching, speaking, and writing about remote viewing. Since 1997 he has been president and chief instructor of his own commercial full-service remote viewing training company, Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc., and is a founding director of the non-profit International Remote Viewing Association, of which he is past president. He has chaired and organized seven of IRVA's annual remote viewing conferences since the organization's founding in 1999. Considered a leading authority on remote viewing, ESP, and applied consciousness, Paul has appeared on numerous international, national, and regional television and radio shows, and is author of the book "Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate ­ America's Psychic Espionage Program" (Tor/Forge 2005) which was the Book Bonus Feature and Editor's Choice Selection for the March 2006 issue of Reader's Digest. He is also co-producer of the acclaimed DVD-based "LearnDowsing" and "Remote Perception" training programs. He has a BA from Brigham Young University, an MS from the National Defense Intelligence College (both in Middle Eastern studies), and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin, writing on consciousness, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of science. He speaks frequently on the subject of remote viewing and parapsychology at various national and international conferences.
Paul Hagen

Paul Hagen

Paul Hagen was one the most famous Danish actors after the Second World War. He was born on 19th of March 1920 in Copenhagen. His father was painter named Åge Falck Rasmussen, his mother was an opera singer named Anna Hagen. Hagen was accepted into Frederiksberg's theatre school in 1944. He finished his education as an actor in 1945. He had his debut as an actor in 1944 in the play "Livet er jo dejligt" on "Riddersalen" in Copenhagen. He then worked at Aarhus theatre (until 1951). In 1953 he got famous for a song he made for "Fiffer Revyen". The song where entitled: "Lille Lise let-på-tråd". He worked in various theatres throughout the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. He finally said goodbye to theatre in 1998. Hagen had his debut in film in 1952, with the film: "Kærlighedsdoktoren". Hagen subsequently worked in 118 movies, plus TV series. In 1961 he worked with Preben Kaas, in "To skøre ho'der", were both of them wrote, produced, directed and acted in. In movies he frequently played a friend of the hero or a bright sidekick. Hagen had much success in the Danish film-series: "Støver-filmene", "Soldaterkammerater-filmene" and "Sengekants-filmene". Other notable appearances in film are: Bussen (1963), Hvis lille pige er du? (1963), Martha (1967), Ballade på Christianshavn (1971), Olsen-banden på sporet (1975) and Walter og Carlo - op på fars hat (1985). He married twice; first time with actress Asta Esper Hagen Andersen, with whom he had a son - Esper Hagen, who later also became an actor. He later married a woman named Alice Martens. On TV Hagen got very famous, throughout Denmark, with his role as the animal shop-clerk Clausen, in the very famous Danish TV series "Huset på Christianshavn" (1970). Hagen also acted in "Krummernes Jul" (1996). He died on the 20th of May 2003 and is buried in the cemetery: Langø Kirkegård, on Lolland.
Paul Haggis

Paul Haggis

Paul Haggis established himself over twenty years with an extensive career in television, before his big break into features arrived when he became the first screenwriter to garner two Best Film Academy Awards back-to-back for his scripts: "Million Dollar Baby" (2004) directed by Clint Eastwood, and "Crash" (2005) which Paul directed himself. In 2006, among others, Haggis penned two Clint Eastwood productions, "Flags of our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima," for which he earned his third Best Screenplay Oscar nomination. He also co-wrote "Casino Royale," which garnered considerable acclaim for reinvigorating the James Bond spy franchise. In 2007, Haggis wrote, directed, and produced "In the Valley of Elah." The film starred Tommy Lee Jones, Charlize Theron, and Susan Sarandon, and earned Jones a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his performance. In 2010, his film "The Next Three Days" was released, starring Russell Crowe, Liam Neeson, and Elizabeth Banks. And in 2013 he wrote and directed the romantic, personal drama "Third Person," which starred Liam Neeson, Olivia Wilde, Mila Kunis, Adrien Brody, James Franco, and Kim Basinger. Most recently, Haggis directed and executive produced all six episodes of the HBO mini-series "Show Me A Hero," starring Oscar Isaac, Catherine Keener, Winona Ryder, James Belushi, and Alfred Molina. Currently, Haggis is co-directing a feature length documentary on the AIDS crisis in San Francisco, called "5B." Equally committed to his private and social concerns, Haggis is the founder of Artists for Peace and Justice. Under this umbrella, many of his friends in the film business have come forward to major build schools and clinics serving the children of the slums of Haiti (

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