Pablo Behrens

Pablo Behrens

Pablo Behrens was born in Montevideo, Uruguay. Lives in London since 1980. He is a producer, writer and director of the US/UK feature film Adrift in Soho (2019). In 2021 he has produced and directed a short film about the Thames Estuary called 'The Crossing'. Between 2004-10 he directed the UK short documentaries The Last Walk, One Day In The Life Of a Peace Camp, Oriel Last Stand and The Making of Oliver Twist. In 2002 he produced the feature film El Chevrole (The Lifejacket is Under Your Seat) a Uruguay/Argentina co-production. During the late 1990s and 1980s Pablo worked in the film production of commercials in London for UK television in various capacities working himself up the production ladder in more than 100 commercials and pop promos. In the late 90s he worked in the UK as producer for director Leonardo Ricagni and as production and location manager for directors Hector Babenco (in Brazil), Charles Sturridge (in Venezuela for the film A Handful of Dust) and Paul Street (in Argentina for a VW commercial) among many other worldwide productions. During that period he was also location supervisor to producer Saul Zaentz and executive producer David Nichols in Manaus, Brazil during pre-production of the film At Play in the Fields of the Lord. Among many other notable UK directors and photographers Pablo worked as production and location manager for photographers Annie Leibovitz (Barcelona), Nadav Kander (London) and Eve Arnold (North of England). Pablo is also an occasional photographer, free-lance journalist and blogger when there is something interesting to cover. Apart from being a writer, producer and director for Burning Films (UK) Ltd Pablo also represents Metropolis Films (Uruguay) in London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Barcelona and Moscow. In the UK Pablo is now increasingly involved in marine conservation matters bringing via short films public awareness to the power of rivers and the sea.

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