Abbey Aziz

Abbey Aziz

It wasn't enough for Abbey Aziz to live life vicariously through other humans on screen. She's the girl who wants to be falling head over heels, endearingly - sometimes clumsily - rising up to face mountainous challenges or just plain celebrating cinematic life in all its panoramic richness and diversity. The path that Abbey first discovered - in front of the mirror in a house that she once shared with seven siblings on Hargrave Rd Auburn, Sydney no less - was to become an artist of unconditional emotion and philosophical magnanimity, with a few 'awakenings' along the way. She wants to bring people on that path, a touching journey that would change the way we view the world and ourselves in it. There there's simple play and pleasure in the very act of performing. She wants to be living proof that we are all connected, without judgment and with pure love, power and compassion, much like leaving behind a legacy. Since the age of six, Abbey has always been passionate in the areas of music, dance, fine art and acting. In other words, she is 'home'. That place where time stands still and she forgets to eat and is painting frantically, splashing it all over her clothes and that is ok because it's just like getting a coffee stain. Her curiosity in all things tactile grew as she grew older, along with her extreme interest in people and their stories of victory and struggle. 'What makes us tick; what makes us uniquely individual yet universally identifiable to each other.' Clearly, other than currently wrapping Abbey's head around quantum physics and behavioural science, she relates it to her work as an actress. Meanwhile she is being driven by excellence in both personal and work life-creative collaboration, innovation and relationship-building for both on and off screen. Ultimately, she holds reverence for life... but she doesn't merely want to chomp words, she wants to invite you in.

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