Akash Sherman

Akash Sherman

Akash Sherman is a Toronto based Writer/Director. At just 22 years of age, Akash was named one of Playback Magazine's "5 Filmmakers 2 Watch 2017", an accomplishment that recognized his prolific creative output to date: two feature films, a feature documentary, two award-winning short films, an array of commercial and VR content, and his professional background in visual effects. Akash grew up making films in his hometown of Edmonton, Alberta, and made his festival debut at age 16 with his heartfelt short film For Them, for You (2011) which won the "Best Narrative" and "Best of Fest" awards at the 2011 Future of Cinema Film Festival in Michigan. After his second short A Teaching Game (2012) took home a Jury Award at the 2012 Edmonton International Film Festival, Akash became a Top 5 finalist in the nationwide competition, the 2013 Cinecoup Film Accelerator, with his revolution epic, Uprising. In 2014, Akash collaborated with the City of Edmonton on his first documentary Through My Eyes (2014), which resulted in a local call to action to eliminate youth homelessness. Akash relocated to Toronto to study film at Ryerson University's School of Image Arts. He left the program in 2015 after completing an improvised, found footage feature called The Rocket List (2015), and having his first narrative feature film, Clara (2018), optioned by Serendipity Point Films. After working for a year as a VFX artist and VR editor, Akash was given the opportunity to direct Clara (2018), with stars Patrick J. Adams (Suits (2011)) and Troian Bellisario (Pretty Little Liars (2010)). Clara (2018) was officially selected to have its World Premiere at the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival.
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